Free download HD Matrix Screensaver Mac for Windows and Mac, desktop, laptop, mobile phone, tablet (Android, iPhone), both as wallpapers and as screensavers. The original Matrix screen saver effect for your Mac terminal. Download the cmatrix binary and add it to your path. This is a direct port of the original obtained from MacPorts. Original docs: Options.
I was looking for a screen saver that was unique and what I finally found was a screen saver that looked like the cascading code from the Matrix movies. What’s better, this particular screen saver grabs the latest commits from GitHub and uses them in the green cascade.
To grab it for yourself, go here:
What I’d really like to do is feed in data from a custom database, such as of new user signups. I’ll be researching this and posting a tutorial soon!

Check it out:

Matrixgl is a free, open source 3D screensaver based on The Matrix Reloaded. It supports widescreen setups, and can be run on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, BSD, and many other Unix based operating systems.

The matrixgl 2.x series is based on the original version 1.0 screensaver from It was written by brothers Alexander and Eugene Zolotov back in 2003. Vincent Launchbury is now maintaining the project, with the goals of:
- Fixing bugs, and making it run more smoothly.
- Improving portability, so that it can run on more operating systems.
- Adding new features and a larger variety of images.

The latest stable version is Matrixgl 2.3.2
Mac Screensaver Matrix 2
Download the Windows Installer, run it, and follow the on screen instructions to install. Then, right click on the Desktop, select properties, and select Matrixgl under the screensavers tab.
Mac Os X Matrix Screensaver
Download Stephane Sudre's Mac port, and follow the instructions in the provided readme.
If you get the source package, open a terminal in your download directory and type the following:
Mac Screensaver Matrix X