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- Apr 26, 2019 New with Orca3D version 2: The OrcaCreateFloatPlane command. Allows the user to define a plane (representing a measured flotation plane) from one, two, or three freeboard or draft measurements.
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Orca3D makes designing any type of vessel apleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a singleintuitive environment. Instead of wasting countless hours movingyour model from one program to another, you can focus all yourenergy on the creative aspects of your design, so that all yourworking time is productive time.
Orca3D Version 2, Level 1, Commercial Standalone License Marine Design Plug-in for Rhino 6 Level One, Standalone (non-networked) License Hull Design Parametric Speed/Power Analysis Hydrostatics/Intact Stability Weight/Cost Tracking Hull Design The design of a vessel in Orca3D begins with the hull model.

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Intuitive working environment
Orca3D runs as a plug-in to the Rhino program, so you don’t need tolearn another user interface and set of terminology. Is it anincredibly powerful 3D modeling system that includes true navalarchitectural tools, or a marine design program with amazing 3Dmodeling and rendering capabilities? Think of it either way, butthe bottom line is that it will be easier to learn, moreproductive, and more fun!
Single program, without the need for filetransfers
When you design process includes using multiple programs, anamazing amount of your day can be spent trying to accurately moveyour model from one program to another. This time is totallynon-productive, and steals from the creative process. If you stillneed to import or export data, Rhino and Orca3D support a broadrange of file formats, making the process as quick and painless aspossible.

Easily cut stations, buttocks, waterlines, and othersections through your model
Orca3D adds the capability to Rhino to easily define a table ofstations, buttocks, waterlines, cant frames, inclines, anddiagonals, and immediately see the curves on the surface(s). Watchthe curves update in real time as you modify a surface, or chooseto update them manually, with a single button click, after you havemade a series of changes to your model.
Intact Hydrostatics & Stability
In order to design a meaningful hull, you must be able to computethe intact hydrostatics, to ensure that you are meeting the basicrequirements for displacement and LCB, as well as the less obvious,but still important, objectives for block coefficient, prismaticcoefficient, initial stability, and many other parameters. WithOrca3D, a single button click will compute and display a completetable of intact hydrostatics and stability information, with outputto the screen, as well as optionally to other formats such asMicrosoft Excel® and Adobe Acrobat®.
Orca3D uses the surface model to compute hydrostatics, and canhandle complex models with arbitrary shapes. There are no limits tothe types of shapes that can be analyzed; monohulls, multihulls,submersibles, drilling rigs, etc.
Create hull surfaces quickly with HullAssistants
Hull design in Orca3D is done using NURBS surfaces (see the RhinoHelp file for a complete discussion of NURBS surfaces). Usually themost difficult step in designing a hull with NURBS is creating theinitial 3D shape; after you have that, modifying and fairing theshape is straightforward. To speed up this process, Orca3D containsa number of Hull Assistants that allow you to specify a number ofbasic parameters, and instantly create a 3D NURBS surface, whichcan then be modified and faired to reach your final hull shape. Asyou modify the parameters, you can see the hull shape change inreal time, as well as seeing the influence on basic hydrostaticsproperties.

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Fair hulls easily and produce lines drawings
Create, modify, and fair hull surfaces with Orca3D. Orca3D takesthe mathematical power of Rhino’s NURBS surfaces, and adds thetools necessary to create your hull shape, while analyzing it forfairness and hydrostatic properties. See the effects of yourmodifications in real time, analyze curvature, tweak curvature, andfinally, produce a lines plan drawing, all the while working in thefamiliar and intuitive Rhino environment.
Predict the speed of your vessel
Using analysis libraries from HydroComp, Inc. for either planing ordisplacement hulls, Orca3D can quickly predict the effectivehorsepower versus speed for your design. Guidance is given onmodifying various parameters in your design to improve theperformance.
Track the weight, center of gravity, and cost of yourmodel
With Orca3D, you can assign weight and cost properties to everyobject in your model, and get a report summarizing the totalweight, center of gravity, labor cost, and material cost. Theproperty can be a specific value (e.g. 5 kg, $350, etc.) or adensity function (e.g. 2.8 lb/ft^2, €32/m^2, etc.). A library ofstandard materials can be created, and properties assigned simplyby selecting an item from the library.
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There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size. McNeel Rhino 5.0 also supports polygon meshes and point clouds for a complete coverage of geometric data types. With its unparalleled modeling power McNeel Rhino 5.0 lets you focus on designing, not on cumbersome modeling workarounds.
Major goals for Rhino 5: – The worlds most robust 3-D development platform for specialty modeling, rendering, analysis, and fabrication tools across a wide variety of disciplines. – More accessible development tools: Grasshopper, rhino.Python, the RhinoScript editor, the Zoo license manager for plug-ins, and the Rhino Installer Engine are key ingredients. – Compatibility with Rhino 4 plug-ins. All 32-bit Rhino 4 plug-ins should run in 32-bit Rhino 5 without modification or recompiling. – Open source more of the Rhino development tools, including rhino.Python, RhinoCommon, and the 3DM viewer on iOS.
– Free-of-charge developer tools, including technical support, marketing support, and training. All of our development tools are available to everyone with a valid Rhino license. No special program registration, contracts, license agreement, or approval is needed. – Localization and translation services available. Other features in Rhinoceros 5: – Toolbars, Buttons, and Macros – Grasshopper – RhinoScript – rhino.Python –.NET Plug-ins – C++ Plug-ins – Renderer Development Kit – Rhino Skins – Zoo License Management for Plug-ins – The Rhino Installer Engine – Food4Rhino – openNURBS – Localization Services – Marketing Support Screeshots: Download Rhinoceros 5 SR12 Free Download 32 and 64 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit Password: www.rahim-soft.com.