Is this an 1100 or 1187?
Will 1100 or 1187 (respective of model) fit this gun?
The Remington Model 81 Special Police image courtesy of Bob Creamer Recognizing the extraordinary firepower of the POE built Model 8, Remington wanted in on the. Remington Model 1100 Serial Number Lookup: Please know that after 1921, Remington shotguns have a code located on the left side of the barrel near the frame. Remington Barrel and Serial Numbers, How to Find Out Manufacture Date: Call or email Remington and give them the serial number, they will tell you when it was born, however keep in mind they do make errors. Back up what they tell you with this information; DECODING REMINGTON SERIAL NUMBERS Model 870 LETTER PREFIX 1950 TO APPROX 1968: NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX 1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE).
Remington 1100 Serial Number Lookup Frame Number Search

Remington 1100 Serial Number Lookup Frame
Humble servant of Jesus Christ. Living His plan and praying to show it in name, word, body, and light.